blog recipes

Recipes in this section include both raw food and whole "cooked" food recipes.  Many of these recipes will be plant-based along with a portion having animal-based products, often including a vegan or vegetarian option.  From my background and experience to the classes I've taught and in-home training, I cover many special types of food preferences from vegan to paleo to low glycemic (low sugar), meeting a wide range of deliciously healthy food connoisseurs.  

Best Tomato Salad Recipe

Best Tomato Salad Recipe


Helpful product descriptions

6 cups cubed tomatoes (about 6 large tomatoes)

1/2 cup thinly sliced onions (sweet onions are the best)

1/4 cup Firecider (apple cider vinegar brewed in organic fruit, roots, and spices)

2 tablespoons Cobram Estate Extra Virgin and Cold-pressed Olive Oil

10 leaves basil, julienned

3-4 cloves garlic, minced

3/4 teaspoon Redmond Sea Salt (not stripped of minerals, look for pink specs)

1/4 teaspoon stevia powder

Black pepper (optional)

DIRECTIONS:  Blanch tomatoes in simmering hot water for 5 minutes.  Peel, deseed, and cube.  Add in the remains ingredients.  It's ready to eat immediately, however, after the tomatoes marinate in the wonderful flavors and spices is all the better!  Serves 4-6 as a side dish.

Jennifer Mac